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Macao College Tour

澳 門 2 5 精 彩 樂 無 限

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Program Objectives

Recently, Macau has become a popular destination for Hong Kong students to study. Rapid development of the tourism and exhibition industry has created many career opportunities and employment prospects for graduates, providing an alternative option to studying abroad in European and American countries.




Historical Heritage

By visiting the cultural relics of the World Historical and Cultural Heritage Month in Macau (such as the Sanshouba Torii, the cannons, etc.), students can learn about the historical development and evolution of Macau in the colonies of their colleagues, and at the same time educate students about the importance of preserving cultural heritage.



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澳 門 三 文 化 交 流 團 ( 中 學 ) 

澳 門 三 天 歷 史 文 化 考 察 團
( 小 學 )

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如有任何查詢歡迎致電 (3180 6914) 與本會職員David (黃先生)聯絡。

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